The Other Woman - who is she?

the-other-woman-who-is-sheIt does not matter what or whom the English Dictionary say the other woman is. What matters is whom or what the heart describes as the other woman. The other woman from personal findings dealing with the issues of the heart is described or defined as the Unloved or Once loved Woman. The other woman is the Unwanted woman full stop!

The heart is one of the most sensitive parts of the body and it many times knows what it wants. Many jump into relationships based on Tingles. Many have acquired spouses based on tingles in their genitals, eyes or even lips lol. Tingles coming from any other part of your body outside the heart is simply termed as Lust or infatuation.

When true love comes calling, it is from the heart and this type of love is long-lasting. True love is not blind, its not short sighted, its not timid and many times its mature. True love knows what it wants. It is orderly and grows a stage at a time. Every day is a growing day with true love. Everyday a man or woman in love learns to appreciate the other, whether it is after an immediate good or bad experience. True love creates for growth in the sense that one partner pushes the other in a growing direction. One partner becomes a cheerleader to the others growth.

Love formed anywhere else outside the heart is what I term as lust or infatuation and it is many times short lived. In many situations, it dies before you even begin!

The other woman is the one gotten from everywhere else in your body but the heart. She could be the first girl dated or the first one in a marriage but according to the dictates of the heart, she is boldly described as the Other Woman! The one whom should not have been but for the heat of the moment and then it fizzles away!!!

The other woman is Never the One! She is simply a ‘Fling gone Sour’ even if she’s gotten kids for him, it still doesn’t matter. She is still just a by-word.

Common guys, we all know that a man can have and like more than one woman at a time according to some traditions and customs but we also know that in every polygamous setting there is always the Most loved wife and the least loved wife. An example is in the story of Rachael and Leah, Jacobs wife’s in the Bible. Jacob loved Rachael far more than he loved Leah.

Even in todays polygamous homes; there is always evidenced that special wife who’s won her husband’s heart, whether or not she is the first wife or the last wife, and then the other unloved or least loved wife.

Now the real woman! That’s the Chic that brings daddy home everyday with her peaceful nurturing nature. She is the real deal! His lasting joy. She is The One! She could be the last one in the relationship but definitely the winner in his heart! The real woman is the one who keeps a man counting their anniversary. The real woman is his missing ribs finally found. She is that knob that completes him and binds him in wholeness. When a man reaches his destination by finding that special woman, He Knows!

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